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We have made World record by organizing consecutive 1000 days
Nijer Bolar Moto Ekta Golpo Foundation is Certified by Societies Registration. Reg.No: S-13399/2020
Online Training on Entrepreneurship at free of Cost.
“Nijer Bolar Moto Ekta Golpo”- Make your own Story to Tell Others
I am an Entrepreneur, I have 5 Companies named OptiMax Communication Ltd (Nation-wide ISP & IIG),Aalaadin.Com (eCommerce) & Utv Entertainment.Com (Live Streaming Company), Sherabangla64(eCommerce) & SkillUp Bangladesh (ICT Training) in the ICT sector working for the last 17 years where 200nos Computer Engineers & from other discipline Youth are working here. I was a Teacher of a renowned Private University, a Mentor & Inspirational Speaker on Entrepreneurship & on Values of Life. I also do News Presentation & Anchoring of Business Programs at TVs & Radios.
There are 40 Million unemployed Populations in Bangladesh. So we need a lot of Young Entrepreneurs in our Country to reduce the huge unemployment crisis. I am a simple human being but I can proudly say that I am a Good Human being. This not a simple word “to be a good human being”. You need commitment & courage to be a good human being.
One day we all have to die. What we did in the past apart from “Me & My?” If anyone even could take the responsibility of one needed person in the entire life that is a BIG achievement.
A Story never is formed if anyone grows alone & gets the success himself. The Story can only be made if anyone grows & helps others to grow by donating blood to save a life, by taking the expenses of treatment to save a life, by making a hut for a needy people, by taking the responsibility of education of a poor child, even by planting a tree for others.
I have been speaking around 100 nos seminars, workshops & events/Universities as an Inspirational Speaker for the last 3 years for Youths of Bangladesh. But at one point in time, I realized that we are talking knowledge initiative sessions over there for 3-4 hrs, they are getting motivations & directions and clapping but after leaving the sessions, they have been forgetting everything.

90 days long entrepreneurial consecutive training for 666,000 youth from 64 districts and 50 countries।

We are Creative and Trusted Organization
So, I have decided to do something that will make an impact on their mind & habit for a long time. I opened Facebook group, Page and Website & invited the Youths from 64 Districts of all over Bangladesh to do Online Classes/Sessions & Workshop on “How to be an Entrepreneur” & “Be a Good Human First”.
I have started the journey of “Nijer Bolar Moto Ekta Golpo” online training since 1st January 2018 with 164 youths from 64 Districts as 1st batch for “consecutive 90 days sessions”. And have been doing batch after batches through online & offline. Doing 16th consecutive batches in the last consecutive 1935 days, our percipients became 666,000 from 64 Districts & NRB from 50 Countries; it became the HISTORY in Bangladesh, maybe in the World that “we have done consecutive 90 days & consecutive 1935 Days online training on Entrepreneurship, Leadership & Values as free of cost as Volunteer”.
There were holidays, Eid days, festivals but we continued every day till the 90th day without any break. And it is 24 hrs open because whenever I gave any topics, lessons, or videos, they started comments & questioning as to when as they feel free. I have to sort it out then I have to make videos to reply or reply in writing
Nijer Bolar Moto Ekta Golpo works on 3 issues:
1. 90 Days Online Training on Entrepreneurship “How to be an Entrepreneur”
2. Values, Leadership, 14 different Skills & “to be a Good Human being”
3. Volunteering & Social Work

জীবনের সবচেয়ে বড় অর্জন একজন ভালোমানুষ হয়ে বেঁচে থাকা।

What we covered at the Courses of “To Be An Entrepreneur” & “To Be a Good Human being”:
1. First to motivate them to be a good human being
2. The mental preparation to be an Entrepreneur
3. Assessment of Strength of each one
4. When to start & where to start the initiative
5. Business idea competitions & product/Services selection
6. How to get Funding for Business
7. How to do Marketing for their products & services
8. How to make a business proposal
9. What is needed to form a Company?
10. Office Setup & recruitment
11. What are the crises after starting a business?
12. Values, Ethics, Leadership & Positivity
13. Public Speaking for Investment, Sales & Leadership
14. Social Work & Volunteering

বৃষ্টি সবার জন্যই পড়ে তবে ভিজে কেউ কেউ।।

We are creative for your bright future
11 nos Training Skills are (these are also free):
1. Business Management Skills
2. Marketing, Networking & Sales Skills
3. Presentation Skills
4. Communication Skills
5. Emotional Intelligence Skills
6. Leadership Skills
7. Basic ICT & eCommerce Skills
8. Basic Accounting skill for Entrepreneurs
9. Spoken English, writing & Listening Skills
10. Handicrafts making for women
11. Hands on Training on Agro Business
These are covered SDG 4, 8 & 9
After 1st 90 day sessions, the same way I did 2nd, 3rd batch, 4th Batch, 5th batch, 6th, 7th 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th & 21th batches with consecutive 90 days sessions without any break to 666,000 from 64 Districts of Bangladesh & NonResidents Bangladeshi (NRB) from 50 Countries and it is to be continued.

স্বপ্ন দেখুন সাহস করুন শুরু করুন এবং লেগে থাকুন...... সাফল্য আসবেই।।

So far, I have trained to 544,434 Youths from 64 Districts of Bangladesh & NRB from 50 Countries in the last 11th Batch at FREE of Cost. The outcome is 544,434 youths have already been started their own ventures. But all 666,000 youths thinking level of their lives have changed, they all are now positive, energetic, willing to help others & ready to change their life with a good career.
My objective is, I will be attached to the rest of my life to build them up. When they will be in trouble in running a business, I will advise them. Already our Facebook group & Page with 666,000+ youths is working as a marketplace. They are displaying/showcasing their products into the group. They are the buyer & sellers & Investors/partners within the group. It’s a massive networking scope for them. I will create at least 200,000 young entrepreneurs within the next 4 year & also will create minimum 666,000 job opportunities for the unemployed youths.
This is the history that I never missed a single day without sessions in the last 1935 Days. And all the sessions are totally FREE, as this is my Social Work. They don’t need to pay anything to me. I spend 3-4 hrs per day online & offline for Youths.
I have already written a book on Entrepreneurship for youth with all the contents for 90 days sessions. The earnings from this book are being distributed to the poor child for education. We have launched a Website on these contents so that millions of
youths can learn the 90 days course at free of cost (www.urownstory-iqbal.org)

জীবনে এগিয়ে যাবার জন্য পজিটিভিটির কোন বিকল্প নাই।

জীবনে ব্যস্ততা বলে কিছু নেই, সব কিছু প্রায়োরিটি।

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